May was an EXCITING month for our Klear Systems team, specifically for our Marketing Manager, Ashley Spence and Sales and Customer Success Manager, Kayla Harter, as our power duo partnered with Velixo to provide an educational coffee chat for our existing Acumatica clients. During the call they discussed Velixo's Excel-based solution's REAL-TIME modern reporting, budgeting, and data automation features that seamlessly integrate within Acumatica.

who and what is Velixo?

Velixo is a bidirectional live-feed solution between Excel and Acumatica with the goal to improve information consumption into a concise program. There is ✨no need for data storage✨as Velixo functions as a simple add-in with real-time LIVE connection. Velixo is also industry agnostic, making this product a must-have for all businesses seeking automation for budgeting, data entry, and more!

Built by Acumatica experts, Velixo has crafted a user-friendly Excel plugin that is lightning fast and leverages the unique capabilities of Acumatica Cloud ERP.

Key Features Include:
✅ Live, full-service reporting within Excel
✅ Budgeting & planning templates
✅ Automatic data push directly from Excel to Acumatica
✅ Smart AI analysis of drill-down and query data using Microsoft Excel Copilot
✅ Data Push (Generic Writeback) to Acumatica
✅ Pre-built Templates


coffee chat recap ☕️

Alexander Bastien, Director of Partnership & Alliances at Velixo, drove the conversation with a quick and easy installation of Velixo (see YT below!!), showcasing how the excel-based solution eliminates the need for customer-reporting within Acumatica Cloud ERP, further empowering all users to make customizations and one-offs for efficiency in business ops. This add-in not only saves TIME, but also helps companies set aside support budget for truly important issues that may arise. Velixo does offer a sample environment offered for anyone who would like to see the beneficial features in a trial run to ensure the most seamless automation.


Tap the video below to experience the full virtual coffee chat before we dive into FAQs with Velixo's Vice President of Channel Sales & Customer Success, Duffy Cohen!


⌚️On a time crunch? Fear not!! Here's an easy-to-follow timeline of our coffee chat highlights for on-demand learning!

00:55 - Velixo Introduction
04:02 - Velixo for Acumatica Cloud ERP
06:15 - Velixo Product Demo
15:40 - Report examples readily available through Velixo
19:00 - General Inquiries (More than 300 available!)
28:27 - Velixo Knowledge Base - Support & Documentation
29:55 - Q&A



Q & A w/Duffy Cohen

Q: How many users can access with purchase of licenses?
A: Unlimited!!! Velixo follows Acumatica's model and allows as many users to gain access to Velixo for seamless ops.

Q: Does Velixo work with Macs?
A: YES! 🎉With recent developments and C-Suite demand, the Velixo team has configured the product to expand accessibility.

Q: If we need additional support, who would provide it? Velixo or the Klear Systems team?
A: Klear Systems is the first line of defense with additional Velixo team members ready to step in. With certified Velixo consultants within the Klear team, there is an abundance of support at the ready.

Q: Do the Velixo write-backs count against Acumatica's commercial transaction volume? 
A: Not CTVs, but ETVs, yes (essentially like clicking "save" in Acumatica)


With all the newest features and customer-backed advancements, our team is ready to increase your business growth exponentially with you by implementing Velixo into your Acumatica system. Interested in learning even MORE about what we and Velixo can offer you? Wondering if you should switch to a cloud ERP system from your legacy ERP? Contact us today!

Contact Us!


Ami Bang

Written by Ami Bang