
Coffee Chat Interest Form

We're currently planning our 2023 Coffee Chat schedule.
Sign up to be the first to receive information on our next Coffee Chat☕️ 

*Free Starbucks gift card to all attendees *

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g2 crowd spring 2019 leader g2 crowd summer 2019 leader g2 crowd fall 2019 leader g2 crowd winter 2020 leader

In a time where Zoom meetings were the new norm

everyone and their mother was looking for a way to build authentic connections and more meaningful interactions. Enter our monthly Coffee Chats☕ Our team strived to find a way to provide meaningful content to attendees by hosting a 30-minute, informal webinar discussing anything and everything relating to Acumatica Cloud ERP and Sage 100 ERP; from current sales promotions, upcoming online and in-person events, and the latest features of a given product.


We even partnered with some ISVs (Independent Software Vendor) in order to address some common pain points in our client's business processes.

Plus, all attendees received a $5 Starbucks gift card at the end of the event
so they could enjoy an energizing beverage to help kickstart their day!


Acumatica 2021R1 Virtual Coffee Chat

The latest release of Acumatica Cloud ERP is here delivering several new features which improve upon their best-in-class functionality and utilize Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning so you can do your best work.

Acumatica 2021R1 enhanced modules include:

✅ Financials & CRM
✅ Distribution & Commerce
✅ Manufacturing & Field Service


Sage Inventory Advisor, NETSTOCK Coffee Chat

In a recent survey 42% of respondents rated stock-outs as their primary inventory management concern. 37% worried they have excessive capital invested in inventory.

Sound familiar?

Sage Inventory Advisor, created by NETSTOCK, is an affordable cloud application that helps companies reduce excess inventory and free up working capital while minimizing stock-outs and increasing revenue📈



Sage Fixed Assets Virtual Coffee Chat

Still using spreadsheets to track your organizations fixed assets?

You're not alone. Nearly 50% of businesses use spreadsheets to keep track of business intelligence but what's even more concerning is a whopping 88% of spreadsheets contain formula errors🤯

Sage Fixed Assets contain over 50 depreciation methods, tracking & planning tools, and built-in tax forms and worksheets to help you eliminate excess loss and avoidable risk while calculating depreciation of your assets.

So what are you waiting for?

Register today to receive information on our upcoming Coffee Chats!

Learn more!