Acumatica Cloud ERP - Distrubution Management Suite
The Acumatica Distribution Management Suite is an add-on module to the Financial Management Suite for managing the complexities of distribution such as purchasing, ordering, tracking inventory, filling orders, and delivering customer support.
Accessible from Anywhere
Access 100% of the distribution features from anywhere using any popular web-browser.
Improve Inventory Management
Gain real-time visibility into inventory costs and locations across multiple warehouses.
Faster Order Fulfillment - More Satisfied Customers
Automated sales order processing and shipping order generation ensures rapid delivery. Security controls allow up-to-date status information for all employees and partners.
Faster Data Entry, Fewer Errors
Predictive entry and flexible screen layouts reduce time spent entering data. Set default accounts, subaccounts, payment terms, and discounts by vendor to reduce errors.
Accelerate Decision-making
Access past information and receive insights into future needs with drill down reports and dashboards. Optimize purchasing by maintaining a vendor supply list.
Order and Sell Locally and Internationally
Maintain supplier and customer balances in two currencies. Currency translations are performed automatically.
Additional modules for the Acumatica Distribution Management Suite include:
• Inventory Management Software
- Improve customer service and profitability with real-time access to available inventory, inventory in transit, and inventory costs.
- Streamline your procurement processes to ensure a steady supply of materials while enforcing policy and process controls.
- Centrally manage sales activities: entering quotes, fulfilling sales orders, creating shipments, tracking prices, applying discounts, checking available inventory.
- Automate the way you gather requests, obtain vendor bids, create quotes, approve quotes, manage purchases, and fulfill orders for internal or external clients.
Download the Distribution Management Suite PDF spec sheet to learn more!
We would love to speak with you about how the Distribtuion Management Suite for Acumatica Cloud ERP, partnered with Klear Systems, Inc., can benefit your organization.
Give us a call at (949) 681-8135,
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