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Mobile Cloud Computing: 5 Exciting Business Benefits

Written by Kimberly Tucker | Thu, Oct 23, 2014 @ 07:24 PM

Mobile technology has officially taken the top spot as the leading digital platform in the United States. Total activity on smart phones and tablets now accounts for 60 percent of digital media time spent in the US reiterating the fact that life (including work) happens on the go.

With mobile technology, business owners are able to work smarter and more efficiently while rapid advances in mobile cloud computing are bringing sweeping changes to the way mobile computing and communication services are delivered around the globe.

Mobile cloud computing is expected to radically alter users' working and life styles. Businesses often need to get things done as quickly as possible and that’s why mobility should be your next step future.

1. Cloud Mobility Affords Better Customer Service

Being mobile equals faster response time and happier customers. In a recent Twitter chat on the power of mobility, a common theme centered on the increase in customer satisfaction. One attendee announced, “We are able to interact more and be more available.” Other thoughts included the consumer’s increased ability to provide self-service and small businesses being able to provide processes more tailored for the mobile lifestyle.

2. Cloud Mobility Assists Day-to-Day Operations

Small businesses harnessing mobile technology experience increased efficiency and flexibility. Integration can help your small business unlock incredible productivity potential. From expense reporting to file sharing—now anything can be done on the go with a cloud CRM such as SugarCRM.

3. Cloud Mobility Allows Better Access to Customers

Mobility allows small businesses to meet the customer where he/she is. Mobile technology helps you engage your customers with real-time alerts and messages. Geolocation technology can even allow you to interact with your customer when they are in the right place at the right time. Investing in mobile can also help improve customer experience through optimized pages and easy access to product information.

4. Cloud Mobility Aids Crisis Management

In the past, when a business experienced computer trouble, there was no immediate back up. This could mean lost revenue or customer relationships just because of a technological malfunction. With cloud technology, business owners are able to swap to their tablets or smart phones with ease, never missing a beat.

5. Cloud Mobility Fosters Employee Freedom

It is estimated that by 2015, 1.3 billion people will be telecommuting. Gone are the days where being chained to a desk from 9 to 5 is required, or even necessary. Cloud technology is directly related to this major shift in work style and the trend will just continue to grow in years to come.  This shift affords companies to reduce their overhead and increase overall efficiency in a world where time is money.

Both business owners and employees will see the benefits of this shift.  With a mobile office in place, teams will stay better connected, remain flexible with boosted morale, and work where they work best.  With that being said, this mobile, cloud-based office means more than simply being able to work on the go. It also means improved team communication, better customer service, and a more streamlined business.

Klear Systems can help
Now that you know all of the above, how will your business invest in cloud technology this year?  Mobile devices are accessible, convenient gadgets that access diverse and scalable cloud computing resources and globally connected mobile enabled resources to receive unlimited mobile application services. 

Klear Systems is ready and waiting to assist you in your journey to on-demand, elastic, self-configurable, cost effective cloud computing. Let us show you the future of your business!  

For more information, 
please contact us today!