Interested in seeing what Acumatica 2019 R2 can do for you?
"Acumatica is so much more customizable and easy to use internally. Everything you do through [other solutions] you have to use a [solution designed] person to do whatever it is for you. One of the really cool things about Acumatica is data is data so it doesn't matter where it's coming from. You can always take data and with a data warehouse piece, something like Tableau you can connect Acumatica and another system and run reports. You can connect databases."
Jenni Arant
VP of Strategy, Jeffree Star Cosmetics
Powered by user requests', Acumatica's latest release provides extended functionality. The upgrades, such as the SMS event notifications, dashboard pivot widgets, real-time project budget control, corporate credit card support, and non-stock item accruals, are designed to improve daily efficiencies and yearly profitability.
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