This just in - Southern California Acumatica Users will have another chance to get together IN PERSON for networking and learning at Axis Research & Technologies!!
Wednesday, August 28th
10:30am - 1:30pm (PST)
The SoCal Acumatica User Group is a regional group open to local customers, prospects, partners, and Acumatica employees. Meetings held in local destinations allow the sharing of knowledge and product use through presentations, peer-to-peer networking, round table and ad hoc discussions, and more! Join this group to stay updated on SoCal User Group events, activities and discussions.
Or browse the 18 other user groups throughout North America!
Acumatica SoCal User Group Meeting Agenda:
- Check-In/Welcome/Attendee Introductions
- 2024R2 Release Details & Events
- 2024R1 New Feature – GI Using Another GI Creation/View
- AP Doc Recognition Setup & Demo
- Calling Dashboards from within Acumatica (Customer Examples)
- Lunch and Avalara Sponsor Presentation
- Ask your Peers Questions
- Open Discussion/Next Meeting Suggestions
Acumatica SoCal User Group Meeting Location:
Axis Research & Technologies (Multipurpose Room)
16662 Hale Ave
Irvine, CA 92606
More about the Sponsor: Avalara
Founded in 2004, Avalara has made it their mission to make tax compliance faster, easier, more accurate, and more reliable for over 30,000 business and government customers in over 90 countries. Avalara tax compliance automation software solution leverages over 1,200 signed partner integrations across leading eCommerce, ERP, and other billing systems to power tax calculations, document management, tax return filing, and tax content access, with one of their most recognizable integration being ✨Acumatica Cloud ERP✨.
With Avalara AvaTax, the Acumatica integration, sales is automatically calculated and the tax is used for transactions, invoices, and other activity powered by Acumatica, saving a tremendous amount of time. Acumatica immediately sends transaction data over to AvaTax, and AvaTAx immediately sends back the total tax, giving customers, salespeople, and others real-time communication on the tax owed, an example being a comprehensive shopping cart view. With the simple and easy-to-navigate dashboard, you have 24/7 access to your AvaTax transaction history, which REALLY comes in handy during an audit.
Sharing is Caring:
If you wish to invite someone who doesn’t already belong to the group:
- Login (or sign up) to comunity.acumatica.com with the same login used for portal.acumatica.com
- Go to the 👉🏼 So Cal user Site 👈🏼
- Request to Join
- Once Approved, RSVP will be available for the meeting!
Questions, comments, concerns?
- Submit an inquiry via our website 👉🏼 here 👈🏼
- Get in touch with our Marketing Manager Ashley Spence: ashley.spence@klearsystems.com
- Or reach out to this quarter’s organizer Abra Gilman: Agilman@collinscomputing.com
We are so very excited to see everyone there and look forward to networking over some good food and shared knowledge!! Old industry friends and new - see you all SOON!!