Laura Barber

Laura Barber

I’m an Acumatica Consultant working with a team of consultants to implement Acumatica Cloud ERP and provide client support. Leveraging 35 years of ERP experience and industry best practices, I teach people and improve efficiency for our clients’ organizations. I am well known for my contributions to Acumatica Community.

Recent posts by Laura Barber

4 min read

It's 1099 time!

By Laura Barber on Thu, Dec 19, 2024 @ 10:13 AM

As the calendar year winds down, it’s time to gear up for one of the most important tasks for businesses—sending out 1099 forms to contractors and freelancers. Ensuring your 1099s are prepared and distributed on time is not just good business etiquette—it’s a legal obligation. In this blog post, we’ll walk you through the key steps to manage your 1099 process effectively, keeping your business compliant and your contractors happy. The 1099 forms should be sent out by January 31st each year.

Below is your step-by-step guide to producing 1099 reports from Acumatica.

Topics: Accounting & Finance